About Chao

Hi there! I'm Chao, a product designer based in Washington D.C. with a deep passion and curiosity for psychology, technology, art, and history (all about human).

Driven by a love for continuous learning, observing, and making, my works ranges from UX, web and mobile design, to animation and visual identity.

Currently works as a Product Designer at Flikshop.

East asian women with curly long hair and glasses wearing professional shirt

How I got into design (Product, UX, Graphics)

Me wearing a cap on a rock at the top of the trail in Shenandoah National Park

My curiosity for human, our relationship with others, our surroundings, and our environment has purposed me to take action in the making (design) and investigating (UX) of the human world.


Product Designer / Flikshop
Sep 2023 - Current

Design and Communication Specialist /
Graduate Assistant, University of Maryland
Sep 2023 - May 2024

Strategy & Product Design Intern / Studio Pros
‍Apr - Jul 2022

Content Writing Intern / CakeResume
‍Apr 2021 - Apr 2022


University of Maryland, College Park
M.S. in Human-Computer Interaction
May 2024

National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
B.D. in Commercial Design
Jan 2021

What I've been up to lately...

Outside of work, I love everything art-related.
Sharing with you:
throughout the years and

Me wearing a cap on a rock at the top of the trail in Shenandoah National Park